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Enhance your mind-body connection


Classes taught at Vitality Wellness Center

Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) is an easy-to-learn series of body/breathing exercises that combines:

  • Touch
  • Breath
  • Gentle movement, and
  • Focused attention

to increase mindfulness, relaxation and ease, while reducing stress, tension, and anxiety.

This breathing exercise, which is easy for all ages to practice, can be performed in a variety of settings – home, work, or school.

SRI reverses the “fight-or-flight” stress response and advances the healing process. When a person is stressed, the “fight or flight” mode of our nervous system is triggered.

In adults and children, this can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Poor sleep, and
  • Digestive problems
Somato-Respiratory-Integration-SRI-instructor at Vitality Wellness

Breathing techniques common to mindfulness help relax the body and mind, while increasing its ability to focus.

Somato Respiratory Integration:

  • Decreases defense and/or unconscious resistance
  • Assists you in locating where you store tension and ease
  • Improves posture and deep breathing
  • Provides a more flexible and integrated experience of the body and mind

These exercises may be performed in our office during your Network Care session, or they may be given to you to do at home. SRI will assist you in progressing through the NSA Levels of Care.

The exercises are easy to do for anyone of any age and may be comfortably performed just about anywhere.

SRI Breathing Techniques classes at Vitality Wellness

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